Thank you for visiting the web site of the Election Department. Our office is responsible for the planning, conducting and administration of all general elections held in Saint Lucia. We also maintain the voter registration records of eligible citizens and maintain election statistics.
Information technology is a very powerful tool in dissemination voter education material, it strength is in its ability to offer a cost-effective platform for reaching out to the public. it is with this in mind, that we are excited in unveiling this newly upgraded website as one of the many programs geared towards the use information technology to contribute to the department’s vision for enhancing the voter education and election processes.
Under the circumstances, It is therefore vital that the department be a catalyst for providing the stage where it an be accessed researchers, students, educators and other interested groups and organizations.
It is structured along the lines of providing vital information regarding:-
The voter registration qualification requirements;
Knowing where you are registered;
Eligibility for election;