The Electoral Department is the entity charged with the administration of the Elections Act Chapter1.02 of the Revised Laws of Saint Lucia 2001, subject to the control and direction of the Electoral Commission.
“To ensure the full and comprehensive registration of all eligible Saint Lucian citizens to enable them to exercise their democratic right to vote; and to conduct free, fair and transparent elections”.
- To provide a more accurate Register of Electors for each electoral district.
- To ensure the proper conduct of general and or by-elections.
- Evaluating and assessing electoral systems, processes and procedures of other democracies by attending workshops, conferences, Training programmes and elections observation missions with a view to adopt appropriate recommended “Best practices”.
- To operate an efficient and effective department with a compliment of professional and dedicated staff committed to (i) meeting our organizational objectives; and (ii) maintaining the integrity of the electoral process
- To function as an organization that challenges and encourages staff to be creative in finding various ways to improve the services that we offer; and
- To cultivate, through impartiality and professionalism, confidence in the electoral process by our stakeholders.